Flower: Is this legal to purchase?
Hemp was legalized for cultivation officially on the federal level, in all 50 states and US territories with the passage of Farm Bill 2018. Each state then had to submit and have approved a hemp cultivation plan to be approved by the USDA. This is a bit of a tedious process however, many states are being added to the list of states with Approved Hemp Cultivation Programs and with that comes retail sales of hemp. Federally any person or business may conduct interstate commerce with hemp.
There are many different cultivars “strains” that are legally considered Hemp. We have made available some of the top quality hemp flower products on the market.
Take a look around selections of products here at Colorado Cures, as we offer several options for you to select what may be best suited for you. We have products ranging from 10mg to 500mg in all different spectrums. We invite you to select the option that best fits your needs.
WHY Shop with us for your flower?
We provide a variety of CBD flower options . We provide an array of cultivars, in addition to products that have been packaged with freshness in mind. Our flower quality is hard to beat in the CBD market.
We have utilized safety and testing standards when providing you with your selections. We require full-panel ISO 17025:2017 certified laboratory results for each of our products to ensure that we provide you with the highest standard. That level of assurance is what we would expect for ourselves including our families.
What is a pre-roll?
A preroll is a product that has been designed to be consumed immediately. Once you purchase the product you can consume the preroll. It is sometimes a nice option for sampling a cultivar that you are unfamiliar with, or to have a quick break at work and dose with hemp. They resemble unfiltered cigarettes in shape. They are typically 1 gram of hemp flower, a wrapping paper and the filter.
The FDA has many regulations about what can and can not be represented has a product intended for therapeutic or medicinal use. Unfortunately, CBD qualifies under these regulations. Most of the research conducted to date indicates that CBD has shown beneficial for down regulating the inflammatory response in the nervous system, shown effective in boosting efficacy of immune function and facilitated homeostasis within the endocrine system in copious research studies. While some of these case studies have been conducted on human specimens, many of the studies have been conducted on animal subjects. There is plenty more research still yet to be done in the hemp and human relationship.
Anxiety is often a malfunction with the regulation or production of the chemicals that operate the nervous system. This can be a crippling experience for some folks and create interruptions in daily living for some. CBD has a unique relationship with the nervous system, when partnered with THC in a regimented cannabis therapy the two work in synergy with the neurotransmitters to maintain homeostasis. Allowing the body to return to a natural balance. If you intend to utilize CBD flower for anxiety, you may choose this option for the fast acting results or for convenience . Usually flower products are ground up and then utilized in a glassware apparatus or frequently rolled up and smoked. This option may be chosen by folks that are utilizing a CBD rich cannabis therapy or due to a lack of access to medical marijuana programs. Flower can be integrated into pets' food or fed directly to herbivores and you would want to consult your pets veterinarian for further directions. In the dispensaries you may hear folks tell you that too much THC can be bad for anxiety sufferers. This is indeed true. However, at Colorado Cures the concentration gradient of THC present in any of these products maintains the federal legal limit of 0.3% THC. With a minimal level of THC present in each of our products at Colorado Cures, we feel confident that most folks will be safe with appropriate dosage. Please see our Blog entry over Dosing if you have any further questions, or feel free to contact your local CBD Plus USA
We utilize USA grown hemp from our farm in Trinidad, CO in all of our Colorado Cures Products.
CBD has shown to support the immune function in immuno-compromised subjects both animals and human specimens. CBD has shown to support the endocrine system by regulating the hormones that are the chemical messengers for that system. Some people see the benefit of this modulation, once the body reaches a natural level of homeostasis and allows for people to reach further and live their best life.
Flower is fairly versatile in what they can be integrated into most people's hemp therapy. Some enjoy the use of flower for smoking, this is one of the easiest way to gain the benefit of terpenes. Flower is typically best when consumed independently and not combined with other products so that the effects do not overwhelm the person utilizing the product.
Laboratory research has demonstrated that the inflammatory indicators obtained via lab testing with CBD administration has produced lower levels and in some cases removed entirely the inflammation and pain indicators in the test subjects.
Our products are carefully selected to provide a level of care to our customers as we do our family. We have made sure to ensure safe products by having the final product of each of ours tested to the highest standards before releasing it to our shelves.