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Cannabinoid Spotlight: CBC

Cannabinoid Spotlight: CBC

Apr 17th 2024

In this Cannabinoid Spotlight, we will be discussing a promising minor cannabinoid: CBC!

CBC (aka Cannabichromene) was first discovered about  50 years ago, and is considered one of the "big six" in prominent cannabinoid research. However, CBC has not yet received the same attention as some of its counterparts.

CBC is non-psychotropic - meaning it won't make you feel "high." CBC binds to receptors in the body that are associated with pain and pain perception. When CBC activates these receptors, it signals to the body that it needs to produce additional endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced internally by the body). One such endocannabinoid in particular, Anandamide, which is produced from CBC activating the body's receptors, has been shown to inhibit inflammation and tumor growth.

CBC has also shown promising cancer-fighting properties as well! Research found that CBC has potential to be one of the most effective cannabinoids for inhibiting cancer cell growth, second only to THC.

In addition to its effects on pain and inflammation, CBC can also act as a powerful sleep aid and can help with symptoms of anxiety and depression.